After a year full of dedication and hard work, we've decided to round up the top 10 features we released in our DRM soft...
Your protected content can be shared directly with authorized end users via a secure web viewer, streaming on-demand, or a customized user portal.
Your protected content can be distributed through a 3rd party system such as an LMS, CRM, AMS, eCommerce, or other system through API integration.
Your protected content can be distributed to schools, customers or partners who can redistribute content to their teachers, students or users.
If you’re unsure which solution is right for you,
When you upload your content in Vitrium, it gets protected with AES encryption. With numerous DRM options at your control, you can choose whether to allow or prevent printing, copying, downloading or screen sharing. You can also add dynamic user-identifying watermarks.
Vitrium does not require any plug-ins or apps. Content is quick and easy to access. The Vitrium Viewer includes extensive annotation capabilities for documents and images. The Vitrium Video Player supports different bitrate streams and the ability to add bookmarks.
Share content with authorized users. Start as simple as copying a web link in an email. Or distribute content via a custom user portal. Or connect Vitrium to a 3rd party system to automate your workflows and offer users single sign-on (SSO) access with this system.
Gain valuable insight into how your users are accessing and consuming content. Identify who is accessing your content, when and how. Learn what your top performing content is, who your most active users are, and make informed decisions based on this.
Vitrium’s DRM software allows you to protect documents, images, audio and videos. Vitrium encrypts these formats with 128-bit AES encryption and converts them to a secure web format.
Read more in our white paper.
Download a copy today.
“Vitrium is easy to use and has a high level of customization. It is constantly evolving to a better product.”
“If you have to choose between Vitrium and another company, I suggest going with Vitrium. We have peace of mind knowing our valuable intellectual property is protected with Vitrium.”
“With the need to go online for class delivery, Vitrium enables us to protect the IP of our teaching & learning materials.“
Read our case studies to learn more.
WPS in the USA uses Vitrium Security Enterprise to protect their educational and psychological assessments. This ensures their sensitive content is secure but still easily accessible by their users.
IVES Training in Canada uses Vitrium Security Enterprise to protect their training eBooks and videos, ensuring their valuable IP is protected. They've integrated Vitrium with their CRM system.
LivCor uses VitriumOne to protect valuable First Aid educational materials that are distributed through their network of partners in the Australian market.
After a year full of dedication and hard work, we've decided to round up the top 10 features we released in our DRM soft...
Safeguarding intellectual property is crucial for training organizations. DRM software is the solution to protect conten...
The IP contained within standards is valuable, it needs to be protected. SDOs must recognize the importance of DRM softw...
Protect educational & training content with DRM software. Learn how to safeguard intellectual property, manage access, &...
Our new Content Licensing Modules feature enables content distributors to expand their content distribution network by a...
Associations & Standard Development Organizations must keep their content protected. DRM software is the solution.
“ Both the Vitrium product and team have been a pleasure to work with. We pose an unusual case and Vitrium has been exceptionally accommodating and helpful. ”
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