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What do all the columns mean in the exported User Activity Report?


In the Reports Tab, you can export the User Activity Log to CSV file and get a more detailed report on the user's activity and session information. Below is a table that lists the columns included in the exported CSV file, along with a description of what data could appear in each column. At the bottom of this page is a listing of all the types of activity that can appear in the "Type" column.


Details in Exported report:

Column Names Description
ActivityDate Date and time of the transaction in UTC time zone

Was the transaction successful? Did the user gain access to content, print, or login to the user portal successfully? (TRUE/FALSE)

Description NOT USED and will be removed in time.
DocId Internal record ID of the content. Unique value per content record. GUID format.

Internal record ID of the content version. Unique per version.

If you subscribe to Vitrium Security Enterprise and use the Version feature, this will differ for each version uploaded. GUID format.

VersionName This is a string that usually will have "Version: 1" and, if you subscribe to Vitrium Security Enterprise and use the Version feature, subsequent version uploads will increment that value by 1 each time, so "Version: 2", "Version:3", etc. During upload or using API calls, you'll have the option of changing these values.
DocCode Internal DocCode of the content. Unique for each content.
Filename (or 'Content Title' in column view) Unless using APIs this will be the resulting PDF minus the ".pdf" file extension. Same for video, audio, images. The extensions are removed. The column "ContentType" will define the type of content.
DocTitle NOT USED and will be removed in time.
SessionId Only appears for VersionUnique Protected PDFs (a feature only available to Vitrium Security Enterprise customers). This will be the DocId of that PDF.
RemoteUnlockCode Will contain the remote unlock code used to allow a remote PDF user to unlock a protected PDF.
ReaderId Internal record ID of the User record. Unique value per content record. GUID format. If you are a Vitrium Security Enterprise customer that uses an External Service, this will be most likely be the users' ID from your external system as you're responsible for providing this value.
ReaderName Username as seen in the User record.
(or 'Groups' in column view)
At the time this file was being exported, this lists any Groups that the user might belong to. This DOES NOT list Groups that the user might have been linked to at the time of the transaction! Nor does it have anything to do with DRM enforcement.
IpAddress The IP that the user was linked to at the time of the transaction.
CountryCode Using GeoIP database info, this is the ISO country code based on the IpAddress. For the USA and Canada IPs, this will also include the State and Province codes.
(or 'Tracking ID' in column view)
This code is how Vitrium manages device limits. For a Web Viewer, this is stored in the user's cookie. For a Protected PDF, this is stored via Adobe or PDF-XChange. If users are in incognito or private browsing OR if they use ad blockers or other such browser extensions/add-ons that kill cookies, this can change each time they access content or log in. For the most part, this should be a static value for each type of browser that a user uses on a given device. This should also be static for Protected PDFs on a given computer where they use the same O/S user credentials to log in to that PC or MacBook.
ServerUrl For Web Viewer, this logs the URL that initiated the transaction. For Protected PDFs, this is the server that Adobe pinged.
Message (or 'Error' in column view) If there's an error or denial to block the user from gaining access, the error code will be logged here. If you're a Vitrium Security Enterprise customer with an External Service that provides custom error messages, this will also contain those messages.
ServerUrl These are the endpoints that the Web Viewer or Protected PDF communicated with.
OfflineDays Will contain the DRM policy offline days if there is one defined, for this transaction.
OfflineDaysDescription Contains the string equivalent of OfflineDays.
WatermarkContent Contains the watermark formula based on either the content setting or, if you're a Vitrium Security Enterprise customer and using the VersionUnique API, it would list any overrides that you utilized.

If you cleared usage for this transaction, it will report TRUE. IsIgnored=TRUE records are no longer referenced when enforcing DRM policies and no longer count towards device limits.

AnalyticsSessionId NOT USED and will be removed in time.
CustomField NOT USED and will be removed in time.
Type (or 'Method' in the column view) Type of transaction (more here)
ClientAppName (or 'App' in column view) Name of the browser or PDF viewing app that the user tried to access content with. 
(or 'Version' in column view)
Version of browser or PDF viewing app that the user accessed content from.
ClientLanguage Language of the browser or PDF viewing app that the user accessed content from.
ClientOperatingSystem (or 'OS' in column view) Name of the operating system that the user accessed content from.
ClientDeviceName Type of device the user accessed content from.

Type of content (see FileName). Values will be: aud (audio), doc (PDF),

img (image), and vid (video).


Does Vitrium track analytics data for a document when a person goes offline?

Yes, Vitrium does track analytics data when a user accesses a document in offline mode. Vitrium will track all the usual analytics - pages visited, time spent on each page, read-through-rate, etc. - and then process it the next time that user comes back online and opens the same document in the same browser. This condition needs to be met for that analytics data to reach Vitrium’s servers. Once it does, the data enters the queue and may take some time to process but it will eventually show up in the detailed analytics reports.

How can I customize the web viewer login form?

You can add your logo, a text description, and change the banner color of the login page in the Web Viewer Settings in your Vitrium Security account.

Further details on how to make these changes can be found in the Vitrium Security Admin Manual: 






What are the Activity Report "Method" codes?
Method/Type Notes
DeactivatedContentAccess User attempted to access content that has been disabled/deactivated
DownloadSourceFile User downloaded the original/source file that was uploaded (Enterprise only)
DownloadUniquePDF User downloaded a Protected PDF (SSO type) from the Web Viewer (Enterprise only)
OpenedDoc Web Viewer analytics event (not displayed in reports)
PdfUnlockAutoDevice When a Protected PDF pings our server on startup, and our server provides them with access because we recognize the device that they opened the PDF on. (aka Ping on Startup and SSO Lite)
PdfUnlockAutoTrueSso When a user opens a Protected PDF that was generated using the API Version\Unique OR when a user opens a Download to Print Protected PDF for printing.
PdfUnlockManual When a user enters a username/password Into a Protected PDF with a login form. This also occurs if credentials are validated using an external service (aka JSON server)
PdfUnlockOffline Typically, when a document is opened and offline access provided them with access, an entry is made in their cookie.  When 'ping' occurs, then that information is sent to our server and recorded. 
PortalUnlock User logged in using the (Vitrium Systems) User Portal
PrintScreen User attempting to take a screen print
Print Web Viewer print job (pre-v6.x app)
RemoteUnlock Record for when a failed user attempt to perform a remote unlock code in a Protected PDF
RemoteUnlock(XXXX) Record for when an administrator uses the administrative interface to generate an unlock code (aka Remote Unlock)
RequestPrintDoc In Web Viewer, this is the Download to Print button (not available on all accounts)
Social Social DRM protected PDF content
UniqueDownload User downloaded a Protected PDF via Version\Unique API (enterprise only). If the Message field contains "24 hour expiration", this means the user requested but never downloaded the file and the token has now expired.
WebPrint User printed a document from the web viewer
WebSocial Social DRM protected Web Viewer content
WebUnlockAuto When a user uses the web link and is provided access automatically using an External Service (AKA JSON Server) or because the user is already logged in to another web link (aka SSO Lite)
WebUnlockAutoTrueSso When a user uses the web link and is provided access via an external service (aka JSON Server) (obsolete)
WebUnlockManual When a user enters a username/password (or License or other such code in some configurations) to authenticate and login to a web link